Are Sleep Oral Appliances Uncomfortable?

Sleep appliances can seem like an intrusion into your everyday life, particularly if you’ve never used one. If you’re concerned with comfort, we’ll look at what you should know about how these appliances feel and whether or not they’ll disrupt your dreams.

The Beginning

It’s not fair to sugarcoat the truth: any new appliance in your life will take a while to fully adjust to. You may notice that a sleep appliance in Chattanooga, TN, whether it’s a mouthguard or a CPAP machine, affects your jaw, teeth, saliva, or bedtime positioning. It’s important to go into this new change with your eyes open. That said, there are plenty of ways for you to take charge of the situation.

What You Can Do

Sleep appliances don’t do you any good if you don’t wear them or if you don’t see a significant improvement in your sleep quality. Sleeping is an important way to rest and recharge, even a few missed hours a week can take a toll on your long-term health.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get an appliance that works with your lifestyle and is properly fitted to your body. When everyone is different, you can’t always rely on a one-size-fits-all solution to fix your sleep troubles in Chattanooga, TN. Buying the wrong products doesn’t just waste your money and time; it can also discourage you from the process. When you purchase an appliance you know you’ll use long-term, you can reap all the rewards of better sleep.

Sleep Appliances in Chattanooga, TN

If you’re interested in sleep appliances, it helps to talk to professionals who understand how these appliances can help you fix major disorders, be it sleep apnea, jaw pain, or misalignment. Whether you use it for a few months or a lifetime, having the right team at your side can make a huge difference.

At Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions, we can help you get a better handle on which appliances are worth it, and how they can be adjusted to fit your daily life. Contact our sleep specialists in Chattanooga today to schedule an appointment, especially if you’ve been putting it off for a while!


What is an Oral Sleep Appliance?

For many people, sleep comes on very easily. They may fall asleep soon after their head hits the pillow. For others, sleep is either disrupted, or they have trouble falling asleep in the first place. There are several possible solutions, whether you have sleep problems in Chattanooga, TN, or your partner does. One such solution is an oral sleep appliance.

What is an Oral Sleep Appliance?
An oral sleep appliance is a dental appliance worn while you sleep. It should not be confused with a CPAP machine, which uses air pressure to maintain an open airway. For this reason, an oral sleep appliance doesn’t make the noise associated with CPAP machines. Another benefit of an oral sleep appliance over a CPAP machine is its small size and weight, which can be readily tucked into an overnight bag.

Oral sleep appliances can be custom-made to comfortably fit a person’s mouth. They usually consist of both upper and lower dental trays, which are connected by a hinge. The position of the lower tray, which protrudes farther out than the top tray, helps to hold the jaw in a certain way. This position helps to prevent the soft tissue at the back of the throat from collapsing, causing the obstructed airflow and/or snoring that is symptomatic of obstructive sleep apnea.

Who Needs an Oral Sleep Appliance?
Oral sleep appliances benefit individuals with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea or problems with snoring. You may want to wear an oral sleep appliance for your own problems or to help your loved one so your snoring doesn’t disrupt their sleep.

Contact Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions when you need sleep solutions in Chattanooga, TN. Our friendly staff can help you with a wide range of sleep problems. Get in touch today!