Snoring can be a big problem for people who do it—and their spouses! Snoring disrupts sleep throughout the house, can be embarrassing when visitors come to stay the night, and can even push spouses to sleep in separate rooms. For some people, snoring is a central issue that can drive a wedge in relationships and impact whole families.
Loud snoring is a symptom of a bigger problem and can be a danger sign that the snorer has sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common condition that affects many people. It can impact the quality of life and even lead to a shortened lifespan. Getting treatment for your snoring in Chattanooga, TN, is important.
What Causes Snoring?
Loud snoring is caused by a condition called sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea stop and start breathing while sleeping, which can cause them to start gasping while they sleep. People with sleep apnea also don’t sleep very well because they may wake up just briefly enough to resume sleeping. This can prevent them from getting into the deeper stages of sleep and can leave them feeling tired and irritable.
Sleep apnea can occur when the airway is blocked because the muscles in the mouth and throat are so relaxed that the tongue and other body parts collapse on the airway. Sleep apnea can also occur when the brain stops sending signals to the body to breathe.
What Can You Do About Snoring?
If you snore loudly, you can seek sleep apnea treatment. Sleep apnea can be treated with various methods, but many people respond positively to oral appliances that prevent the airway from becoming blocked. These appliances are fitted to the user and custom-made to ensure comfort and effective design.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s important to seek treatment from a medical professional who can help you manage or even eliminate your symptoms.
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Chattanooga, TN
At Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions, we offer sleep apnea treatment to help eliminate your snoring. People choose to work with us because of our professionalism and excellent patient care. Everyone who works at Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions has special training to provide excellent service to our patients. Here’s what you can expect when you come to our office:
- Modern, comfortable facilities. We use state-of-the-art equipment and maintain modern, comfortable facilities for our patients.
- Effective sleep apnea treatment. We work with patients to help them improve their sleep quality and reduce or stop their snoring altogether.
- Respectful, compassionate medical professionals. We’re here to help our patients improve their quality of life and live better.
Why Get Sleep Apnea Treatment?
Sleep apnea is a condition that can impact quality of life in various ways. People with sleep apnea can feel irritable throughout the day and may have difficulty focusing on the task at hand. People who have sleep apnea can even be misdiagnosed with conditions like ADD or ADHD because they have such a hard time focusing. Sleep apnea can also cause you to be tired throughout the day, making day-to-day life hard.
Sleep apnea can also put patients at risk for a variety of health problems. Sleep is supposed to be restorative, but for patients who have sleep apnea, sleep just leads to more tiredness. People who suffer from sleep apnea can experience heart problems later and may be at higher risk for conditions like depression.
Getting sleep apnea treatment can help you maintain a healthy body. Finally, sleep apnea treatment can be good for your personal relationships with the people in your home. When everyone can hear you snoring, everyone is impacted.
How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?
Sleep apnea can be treated in a variety of ways.
Oral appliances. Oral appliances can be custom-fit to the user to prevent the throat muscles from collapsing and prevent the wearer from breathing.
Lifestyle changes. Drinking alcohol before bed and obesity can put people at higher risk for sleep apnea. Smoking can also put you at higher risk for sleep apnea. Making lifestyle changes can help you stop sleep apnea and get a good night’s rest.
Besides Snoring, How Can I Tell If I Have Sleep Apnea?
If you suffer from sleep apnea, your bed partner may report that you stop breathing in the night and then gasp when you start breathing again. You may wake up short of breath, have a dry mouth, or you may have a headache.
You may be irritable during the day or always feel tired, even after a full night’s sleep. Finally, you might wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep or staying asleep. You may be a restless sleeper. If you have these symptoms, see a sleep professional to get a diagnosis.
Need Sleep Apnea Treatment? Contact Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions
At Choo Choo City Sleep Solutions, we help patients manage and stop their sleep apnea. We provide a range of treatments that can help patients like you. If you think you may have sleep apnea, call us today to make an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage your condition.